Friday, September 28, 2012

He has few computer backpacks

Moving house is tiring yet excited.  We have moved out most of our things and only left few cupboards and racks to be moved tomorrow.  And hubby has even moved his computer set a week before.

The other day he was unpacking his computers in his office.  He found his very first laptop that he bought 5 years ago.  It is still in good condition although a bit slow.  It was still attached in jansport backpack.  He has 3 jansport backpacks for his laptop. The reason?  He can change and fit his travelling purposes.

Hubby is thinking of getting a new laptop so I told him not to buy new backpack but to use one of his jansport backpacks if he is getting a new laptop. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bedroom rules for them

Both kids are excited with the new house.  Brought them to check the house almost every weekend and every time they are there, Princess would bring Baby Jay up and down the stair cases to check on their bedroom. 

For the time being (maybe 1st year) both kids will sleep together in Princess' room.  I would not feel easy of having Baby Jay sleeping alone in his own room.  And some more Big J has strictly told both kids that they are to sleep in their own room.  So they are not allowed to sleep with us.  But we are expecting the younger one to tug alone with us in our room for few nights or so. 

My girl asked me once whether there is any pc or tv in her room.  I told her there would not be any.  Because bedroom are meant for sleeping.  If want to play pc, it would be in the living room.  There would not be any tv in my master bedroom either because I never like having too much electrical items in my room.  Called me health-freak, I think that too much of those electrical stuff emitting bad ions to the room.  *wink*

And I told my Princess that once in the new house, she would need to sleep earlier.  No more after 10pm.  I want her to sleep early as 9pm if possible or latest 9.30pm.  I want to train her now because in few months time she would be in Primary School and I know how tough it would for her if she does not get enough sleep. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Family Day in kindergarden

Pictures taken on Princess' Q Dees Family Day this morning!  Enjoy the pictures.

The missing eye in The Face Game

After the Face Game, we taking a break.  Ice cream on a hot day is tempting

Getting ready for the Horseback game

Daddy carrying Princess in the Horseback game.  Doesn't he look like Psy, the Korean that sang Oppa Gangnam Style?  Lol!

Friday, September 14, 2012

His motor

Baby Jay has many vocabulary now that he could talk and talk till we cannot stand him.  But sometimes we do not understand what he is trying to say and after many times of asking him to repeat after himself, he will grow agitated and angry.  His baby sitter for example complained to me that he will be angry if no body understand him. 

But I am happy with his vocal progress.  However his behaviour is still not desirable as he has short temper sometimes and easily cry when some thing does not go his way.   And he is still accident-prone and clumsy because he loves to follow his sister.  Doing this and that and along the way he will be clumsy and always have a bump in his forehead.   And he loves to bully and hit his sister even when she does not disturb him.  Sigh!

Nevertheless, both kids are doting and love each other very much when they do not fight and argue.  *wink*

Monday, September 10, 2012

Her shaking tooth

Princess told me last week that she felt one of her teeth is shaking.  Does it means that she is going to lose her first baby teeth!  I think so. 

After checking the affected tooth (bottom front), it does shake a bit but I guess it would be few months before it really come off and the new teeth grow.  So now she is asking me when the tooth will come out so she can keep it under her pillow and let the tooth fairy comes and exchange a coin with her!  Now, I never teach her those nuisance but it was funny to hear the tale from her.  I told her she can keep the tooth and as for the tooth fairy, I would not want to spoil her imagination, so let her have fun thinking about losing her first baby teeth for now.  *wink*

Friday, September 7, 2012

Addicted to gangnam

Shown both kids the Oppa Gangnam Style youtube few days ago and since then they are addicted to the music video!  Lol!  At least it keeps them busy and attentive while I can have some peace of mind.  

And this is the result of watching too much of the music video!  He is trying to imitate the dance but not so successful but still!  It is a funny gesture from Baby Jay!