Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Our Princess

Age: 8 years and 6 months old

Weight : 23kg

Finally her teeth has grown out to fill the empty spaces!!

2014 achievement (up to date)

School academic - she has improved in her Chinese both oral and writing. Better in class standing. And this week she was in an English story competitions.

Kumon - passed her Level D in Maths. She has great interest in calculation and abacus. Now into fractions in Level E.

Music - Passed her Grade 1 Piano in August. She is going to get a piano when back to Kuching.

At home - a good helper and sister. Help to take care of the little one, and can do simple things for the brothers. Help to clean up and sweep the floor. Once a while she washes her dishes and cleans her school shoes.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

An early Saturday

Everyone was early on Saturday. I checked the clock and thought it was 730am so I proceed with my morning routine. Ended up when I went online using my phone that I realised it was not even 7am! I must be dazed and read the time wrongly. 

 The kids were earlier than me. Jan and Jay got up, bathe and dressed themselves without me fussing over them. Jamie was also early. After finished his feed, I let him played his ABC laptop while I did some laundry.

After sent off Jamie, we dropped Big J in Full Strike Superbowl in Kin Orient Plaza as he had a company staff tournament. The kids and I had a kolo mee breakfast before went over to watch the bowling.

It was a lazy morning.

Friday, October 17, 2014

He who cries

When he does not get his way or what he wants, he will cries. We called him "siren". He can cries any times he wants and stop immediately when he wants to. Lol. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

When you put them in a room...

When cousins meet cousins, this is what happen!


It is a joy to see children have fun and play together.

My Jamie also does not want to be left out! Spot a new toy here. Boys. They always have soft spot for trucks and vehicles.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Shots of our baby

Going to be 13 months old in a couple of days.
Very cheeky and demanding now. Has his own tantrum and attitude.

Our baby is over 10kgs now. Enjoys his meal although he does not like to take meats. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Everyone is down

My sis recently dug out an old photo of her and our brother. They should be around 5 and 4 years old. Remember it was taken in Civic Centre exhibition centre in Kuching.
 My sis was commenting that Jan looks like her in the photo and I were telling her that Jay has a bit of my brother's look. So, she took out and compared both pictures. I recently took a photo of both Jan Jay. Do they look like their aunt and uncle? There is a similarity there.

Both had a bout of diarrhea last night. Must be from eating the fried kueh I bought yesterday. First it was Jan which started to complain of stomachache around 7pm. She's been to toilet for few times. Jay has his share of toilet visiting after midnight. Poor boy. Been to toilet 3 times around that time. 

As for Jamie, he was not feeling well since Wednesday. Vomitting and diarrhea. What ever he ate, he would vomit. So brought him to see doctor today and prescribed few medicines. Maybe it is a stomach virus.

He  was cranky at night and kept waking up at night. So I hardly had good sleep for the past 2 nights. 

Jan and Jay are fine now. Thank god for that but I will never buy any more kueh for them. 

Hope Jamie gets well soon. Weekend is around the corner!