Monday, July 27, 2015

He got it

While Jan had her own share of wearing best student vest few times few years ago, Jay came home with his vest today! His first time being voted. See how happy was he!! And he looked smart in that vest too. *wink*

Well done, boy! You are good boy and does mummy and daddy proud.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Co-sleep with us

It has been more than a month since Jay moved back to our room and sleep with us. Since the last semester holidays, he sleeps with us and does not want to move back to his own room!

Thought I finally managed to get him sleep on his own but look like after that holiday, he reluctant to go back to his room. Giving me so many excuses not to move back.

So I guess he will stay with us for some period of time. Maybe when Jamie is 3, we will get him and Jay to sleep together in their own room. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

My almost 2-years old and his words

My youngest is turning 2 in 2 months time. He is at the precious and adorable age where everything he does and words he says are cute. A real chatterbox; he is very chatty and bubbly at all times.

He likes attention and always want to be the "boss" around his older siblings. He can be nuisance and protective of his stuff but most of the times, the older siblings will let him win.

His current favourite words are "okay" and "please".  He starts to talk in 3 words such as "I want eat" and "Look at stay". 

He loves fruits especially dragon fruits, grapes and bananas. When he wants fruits, he will say "cut please" as he wants me to cut for him.

Jamie also loves airplane. He will spot any planes in the sky every time we are out.

Now he would want to the 1st at the door when we go out or come home. No jump queue please! Lol.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Evening in the pool

It was brutally warm lately and what is better than to beat the heat with a dip in the pool. The kids were happy to play in the water and it sure stirred up their appetite after the aqua exercise. *wink*

The kids' cousin also joined in the fun so it was very rowdy affair in the pool when the kids get together. But all for the name of fun.

And Jamie also have good time in his rubber ring.

After the fun, we treated the kids to Happy Meal in McD's and everyone finished up their burgers effortlessly. *wink*