A pusher
At the shop, after shopping with my parents
Princess: Mummy, see what I got?
Mummy: A blouse? But you have a lot.
Princess: No, I like this. (showing off her new pink blouse)
Mummy: Who buy for you?
Princess: Gung-gung and po-po.
Mummy: You say thank you?
Princess: Thank you. I want to wear it now. (Going into the fitting room)
And my mum was complaining her been so tricky. In pretext of bringing them to upper floor, she dragged them to departmental store and insisted on buying a pink blouse. Never knew she is that "kuai" grandchild. Lol!
Princess: Why no decoration in your shop, mummy?
Mummy: No need.
Princess: You need to, mummy. CNY is coming.
Mummy: No money.
Princess: You buy and put some lanterns lah.
Mummy: Why lanterns?
Princess: CNY mah! Last time Christmas, you did not put any Christmas decoration, so CNY you must have CNY decoration.
Mummy: Okay.

So instead of lantern, mummy has this little fish as decoration; something to symbolise the upcoming CNY.
Dancing with the Lion
Princess: Mummy, where is my lion head?
Mummy: In the store room, dear.
Princess: Can I bring it out. I want to play with it.
Mummy: Okay.
Princess: I want to be the head, can ti-ti (brother) be the tail?
Mummy: He is still small, he would not know how to play.
Princess: How about you then? I cannot be the head without tail.
Mummy: ????