Both kids have dates with the sick bugs. First Princess Jan. And then Baby Jay. And the next minute you know, Princess is sniffing and coughing again. Everything in a circle. Just when one kid is getting better, the other kid got the bugs. Oh dear. And the weather does not help either. I noticed my Baby Jay is pretty sensitive to heat as he sweats a lot. Or is it the medicine? My mum said it may be due to him consuming medicine, that is why he sweating. Even in mild temperature in the room, he can sweat and wet his clothing. I guess that is why he keeps crying and turning around. Lol!
My two kids. Aren't they growing up so fast? One is turning 4 years old end of next month and the little baby is going to 7 month old end of this month. Oh dear! And it means I am getting older~
indeed they grow very fast always remind me when the kids are growing , we are getting OLDER..
How nice if we can stay young forever hor. But on second thought, I think better not, life is sometimes tiring.. so better dont occupy the space too long.
Hope the kids r recovered edi. I hate it too when the germs get passed to each other then back again.
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