Every evening after picking Princess up from baby sitter, it is my habit to ask her on her day in school. What did she do, what teacher said, which books she read, etc. And Princess will entertain me with her school activities. It is fun listening to her, like yesterday.
Would you believe me when I told you for the first time in her schooling days, she actually did her fist "big business" in school yesterday morning? Yes, she did it for the first time since she gone to school last year. She has some bowel problem for past few days, did not poo at home and in baby sitter's house for about 3 days. So during the weekend I fed her some dragon fruits. Her baby sitter kept feeding her some bananas and potatoes but she still did not poo last week. However after consuming many dragon fruits she did not do her business at home. So last resort, I gave her some Chlorella. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening since Sunday.
And yesterday once reached home, she asked for the "green vitamin" from me. *wink* So back to the poo story in school, she has the urge to go to toilet when we sent her to school yesterday morning. So I told the attendant that she needed to go to toilet for her "big business" and I left her there.
In the evening time, my Princess told me the whole story.....
Princess: I poo this morning in school, mummy.
Me: Good. Many?
Princess: I don't know. I did not see.
(Princess has the tendency to count her poos each time she gone to toilet and will say either they are big or small. Lol!)
Me: Okay. Never mind. Who clean for you?
Princess: No one. Teacher is busy in the morning with other children. I used toilet paper to clean myself.
Me: Oh. Good. Did you flush?
Princess: No.
Me: Why?
Princess: Because it is too high. I cannot reach it.
Me: Okay. Did you wash your hand with soap after that?
Princess: I used water only, no soap in school.
Okay, it may not look perfect in school but at least she knows what to do and how to take care of herself.