Our lovely princess
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Her graduation photo
Nice or not?? Lol! My Princess' graduation photograph. *Sob* Sob* Sob* Doesn't it make you proud that you have been this far and your kids are growing up right in front of our eyes? Feel like crying right now. Because my Princess is big girl now and soon she will be a teenager, then adolescent and a woman. Gosh! I think I think too far. I think I will enjoy her graduation concert next Friday and growing with her as the days go. Kids do grow fast and that make me feel old!
Little J
Monday, October 29, 2012
Taken off
Last Saturday after much persuasion I pulled off her first baby tooth. Not much crying from her, just initial shock and pain and after that she was all smiling again, showing off her baby tooth.
I need to pull it out because her permanent teeth is visible and growing pretty fast at the back of the shaking baby tooth. So after explaining to her on the procedure, she finally agreed to have it taken off. And by telling her to choose either me or her grandma to do it, she decided to let me do it. Lol!
Using a thread it just took one pull from me and the baby tooth was out!! And a bite on an ice makes the bleeding stop fast and soon she forgot about the pain. Not only that, she got a gold coin from the tooth fairy that night too and she got to keep the baby tooth herself. Lol!
Little J
Friday, October 26, 2012
Hometown holiday
The kids will be going back to hometown for their long year end holiday starting 10 November till 27 December. Look like this year school holiday is longer than previous years.
So after Princess' graduation concert on 9 November which will be held in MBKS Auditorium, she and Baby Jay will be following their aunt (Gu-Gu) home. And I will have some break from the kids as well while I can peacefully settling my shop. I am handling over my shop to new stokist and have tender my resignation. So I would be pretty busy in December as my last day of operation is 10 December. A lot of paperwork, filing and stock checks to be done before I can hand over the shop.
Family Activities
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Importance of tuition
I grew up in a family where we placed importance of education among the children. I am blessed that I have parents who understand the importance of good education in children's future.
I used to have poor marks in my early education but thanks to my parents, they employed a personal tutor to teach me. The tutor will go to our home 3 times a week to teach me on the major subjects.
But the time changes. We can either get a personal tutor or go to tuition centres and get further tuition. Not only that, we can even employ online tutor. Just like the online tutor on Eduboard.com. You can get help on your Maths, English, Biology and more from highly qualifed teachers on Eduboard.com. I see the importance teacher of eduboard.com on how they placed their teaching techniques. More interactive and smarter and how it fits the children learning style.
How I wish I have online tutor when I was younger. It would be more fun to learn then. *wink*
Bla Bla Bla
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Unwell and unlucky
It was a bad day yesterday. Big J had a car accident after office hour. Just bad luck.
Big J has been feeling unwell lately. Dizziness and tired. Has been nagging him to go for medical check up and after things happened then he will go for check up. We suspected he has high blood pressure. My SIL advise me to make juices from small bitter gourd, green apple and carrots to reduce his high blood pressure. Will go hunt for small bitter gourds in wet market tomorrow when going to market with my mum. Not every day we can find people selling small bitter gourds.
So yesterday it happened that baby sitter need to attend a wedding dinner and I requested Big J to pick the kids earlier. He is supposed to do check up yesterday morning but busy at work. Since his office is nearer and I could not leave my shop unattended as my staff is having off day. But Big J suddenly not feeling well and dizzy while driving, and could not in time to brake. So hit another car from behind. Luckily no one is hurt.
Lesson learnt! Never do things last minute and health is always important than work.
Big J,
Chew on this
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sprouting out
The little white teeth is coming out! Yes! Princess' first adult teeth. The old teeth is still hanging out although shaking like hell. But from the look of thing, I expect the baby teeth to be taken off end of this year.
Princess is pretty excited with the new teeth and she cannot wait for the old teeth to come off. So she can keep it and let the tooth fairy exchange it for a gold coin. Lol! Her very first teeth.
Little J
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Hola! (Spanish for Hello)
Does your 6 years old annoy you??
Does your 6 years old annoy you??
Mine does, sometimes. She now has a habit of reading my sms when ever I writing sms in my handphone. I did not notice it at first but one time I caught her reading my sms aloud. Oh sh*t! She was peeping from behind the car and read my sms.
Although I warned her from that day she still like to read my sms. But mostly nothing too private, as I usually send sms to my family, may it be Big J or my sis. But I do not like her to become a busybody or having this bad habit of intruding other privacy. I don't mind, but would it become a habit when she is bigger??
She also have a sharp tongue. Sometimes I cannot stand her words. She says the darnest words I ever heard. And the father already set her ambition to become a lawyer someday as she is very good with words and has a sharp tongue. Sure win in every cases. Lol!
Every day she would ask me to guess what Spanish words mean in English. Since she started watching Dora The Explorer in Nickelodeon, she learnt a lot of Spanish words. Well it may come handy next time. Lol! But Princess always annoyed me by asking me to guess what this word mean etc. Sigh! Already know I am not Spanish-illiterate, still she likes to ask me again. But I do learn few new Spanish words from her. Heheh!
And my princess is not very girly too. She plays like crazy (no body's business), and she loves dirt. You can say that she is more like a tomboy! And does not mind get dirty and I also give up scolding her. I come to an understanding that she is still a kid, and a growing one. How many more years that she can play like this? So let her behave like a kid while she is one. As long as she clean up after each play, it is okay with me.
Adios for now.
Little J
Monday, October 15, 2012
Shopping and fun @ Boulevard Kuching
It was a cold and rainy day yesterday. After our breakfast of Sarawak kolok mee in Top Ten coffee shop, Jalan Song yesterday morning, we went to Boulevard Shopping Mall for some shopping. Supposed to go to Boulevard Supermarket to get some grocery but somehow our journey was detour to other direction.
Our first stop is Sen-Q. We bought most of our electrical stuff there. And yesterday we added Microwave and grill oven, air con for the living room and steam iron to our list. Previously we bought clothes dryer, washing machine, slow cooker, rice cooker, twin-cooler fridge, LED tv and home theatres. We spent more than RM25,000 in Sen-Q alone.
While Big J tried on the OSIM latest massage chair in Sen-Q, I took the kids to nearby massage chair. See how much they enjoyed the chairs especially my Baby Jay!
We took about 2 hours in Sen-Q. And the kids were hungry. So we brought them to Kenny Rogers. It has been ages I dined in Kenny Rogers. Nothing to shout about actually. But we did enjoyed our lunch there and then we went to the Mega Store. It was operated by Boulevard themselves and what ever you want, you can almost get them there. And the kids also took the opportunity to play in their play station. RM1.00 per child.
Princess wanted to dress up for Halloween. So all those dress up!
Halloween comes early this year!
And some exercise with the hula-hoop. And Big J has been eyeing on the punching bag. He did not buy yesterday because I stopped him but I know for sure he will be going back there to buy it. Lol!
And how do I look in this funny spectacle?? Lol!
Family Activities
Saturday, October 13, 2012
She won a consolation
Princess was into the final of her Chinese reading competition yesterday morning. Her 2nd time into the final. The last one that she entered was when she was in Pre-1 (2 years ago). Then she won a consolation prize in a English competition.
And this round, she also won a consolation! Proud of her. This competition is the last competition in her kindergarden before the school ends next month. I am glad that she has the courage and determination in the last competition although I did not expect her to go to the stage and compete.
But she told me before the semi-final on Monday that she will go to the stage and win a prize. Indeed she won something! Although Chinese is not her strong subject, she did conquer her fear and went for it.
Her performance on the stage
One of the 1st prize winner. In her category, there are 2 1st prize winner. This Bong Sin Yu is one of the winner and also Princess' best buddy in class
Princess and her trophy
Now she has something to remember in her Pre-school! *wink*
Little J
Monday, October 8, 2012
What we do?
We spent most of our times at home. Indoor! It is pretty hazy in Kuching for the past weeks and my princess is coughing and Big J is not feeling well. So we do not go out that often.
The kids will dig, bring out, play and read at home. We have not finish unpack their stuff, mostly toys and books. So when they saw their favourite toys, books or DVD, they will bring out and play with them. And poor me, has to clean after them. Like this weekend, Princess and Baby Jay were busy fixing the 3D puzzle brought by their gu-gu till they missed their afternoon nap. While Big J and I were busy catching up on the Chinese drama, the kids are busy with the puzzles.
The swimming pool in our clubhouse is still under repair. It has been in repair for many weeks now and my kids have been nagging about bringing them to swimming pool. Sigh! Wonder when the swimming pool will be ready. I also feel the heat and cannot wait to dip into the cooling water.
Family Activities,
Meet The Family
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Graduation in a month time
Princess told me that her graduation falls on Friday, 9 November. Oh dear! That fast? Or time really waiting for no one??
Princess has been babbling non stop about her dance performance for the graduation night and what she needs to prepare etc. She told me she would need to put on lipstick and blusher for that night. Like I did not know. She joined last year graduation night, so this year would be no exception. But the only difference is that Princess is finally graduating from her Pre-school this year. And she is moving to a new milestone soon. How anxious I am?
I have not yet check on her placement in the primary school that we selected for her, but I heard from a friend that the list of students would only come out by December. So I will go to the school to check on the list that time. By then, we would have good time hunting for school uniforms, white shoes and stationery for her. My Princess is truly grown up!
Little J
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I have never thought that it would be this stress but blame who? Me of course! I were the one that look for more stress only.
But I am glad that I still to my decision. Want to know what is it? Let me start from Saturday morning!
As you may know (or not aware of), we have moved into our new house last Saturday. Big J and I brought the kids along. It is moving into a new house. Must be everyone going in together. The kids did not go to baby sitter that day. so the 4 of us moved in together.
As usual, Baby Jay's first thing would be removing his diaper. So he was off diaper the whole day that day. And how busy I am, bringing him to the toilet every now and there. But I am proud of him as he did not wear any diaper when he went for his nap that day. But still have no confidence in him at night.
With many unpacking and cleaning to do, I do not think I can handle the diaper-free situation with him for the time being. The kids are sleeping with us in the master bedroom. Do not want to stress them with a new surrounding, new house, new room. So we moved a single mattress in with us and guess what??
Big J has been chased from his new King-sized bed by the kids. Lol! So the kids and I are sleeping on the bed while Big J has to settle down with a single bed by the side. And he was not so happy....Lol!
But I am glad that I still to my decision. Want to know what is it? Let me start from Saturday morning!
As you may know (or not aware of), we have moved into our new house last Saturday. Big J and I brought the kids along. It is moving into a new house. Must be everyone going in together. The kids did not go to baby sitter that day. so the 4 of us moved in together.
As usual, Baby Jay's first thing would be removing his diaper. So he was off diaper the whole day that day. And how busy I am, bringing him to the toilet every now and there. But I am proud of him as he did not wear any diaper when he went for his nap that day. But still have no confidence in him at night.
With many unpacking and cleaning to do, I do not think I can handle the diaper-free situation with him for the time being. The kids are sleeping with us in the master bedroom. Do not want to stress them with a new surrounding, new house, new room. So we moved a single mattress in with us and guess what??
Big J has been chased from his new King-sized bed by the kids. Lol! So the kids and I are sleeping on the bed while Big J has to settle down with a single bed by the side. And he was not so happy....Lol!
Bla Bla Bla,
Family Activities
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